tirsdag den 12. oktober 2010

Ginger regler

En ven har gjort mig opmærksom på at jeg burde skrive ginger reglerne ned, bare så alle har noget at referere til. Det var en brilliant ide, og jeg vil nu gøre præcis det.

Ginger rules:
1: Any ginger(Regardless of gender) looks good in a skirt.

2: If you, a ginger, does not like Fanta, another ginger has the right to call you "Jerry McColeman," for eternity

3: Ice cream is the way to a gingers heart

4: A ginger, is allowed to do anything he wants to do on a tuesday

5: Jesus loves gingers more

6: Whenever a ginger trips, the President of the U.S.A cries

7: Pineapples rock!

8: Anything tastes good in the mouth of a real ginger

9: Gingers do not have souls, they are charged with pure magical power instead

10: To a ginger, chocolate is a healthy alternative to water

11: We do have Pancake mix

12: For each awesome person that exist, there's a better, and smarter ginger version of him/her

13: Atlantis does exist, Gingers know where, and no, they will not tell you

14: Rule 13 is false, but some parts a true....

15: Dragons do exist, no one knows where they are though.

I'll come out with more when I have more time

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